What is Pleats ? Types of pleats, Formula of fabric calculation, History of pleats..?

Hi Everyone, 

Today i am discussing about pleats...

Pleats :

Pleats is the folding technique, it creates more beautiful looks to your garment. Pleats are found in skirts , blouses, sleeves and upholstery like curtains, cushion covers and pillow covers etc.... 
Do you know Pleating is an ancient art. Egyptians are known to have introduced this, they used eggs over fabric and dried it under the sun in this way they made pleats.. They used mostly linen fabric. This process was not permanent and time consuming. It could be afforded mainly by the royal blood. 

Pleating is now available to the commons now , after the introduction of stitching methods with hands and machines. Ready-made pleated fabrics are available now too.

Types of pleats:

Knife pleats
Box pleats
Inverted box pleats
Accordion pleats etc

Formula for pleat calculation

For one pleat - (waist measurement/ no of pleat) × 3

For Fabric  - (one pleat measurement × No of pleat) + 2

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